Auto insurance helps pay for the injuries and damage that can happen when you own and drive a car or other motor vehicle. This brochure can help you compare policies and make informed decisions when you buy auto insurance. It can help you understand your auto policy. Your policy is a legal document, and it is important that you understand it. Your motor vehicle may be an auto, truck, van, motorcycle, or another kind of private passenger vehicle.
You must show financial responsibility for any vehicle that you own, in case of injury to other people or damage to their property. Most people show financial responsibility by buying auto liability insurance. California law states, "All drivers and all owners of a motor vehicle shall at all times be able to establish financial responsibility and shall at all times carry in the vehicle evidence of the form of financial responsibility in effect for the vehicle."
Compare Policies
Auto policies can vary a lot. Discuss your insurance needs openly with your agent, broker, or insurance company. They can help you, but it is your responsibility to choose the insurance that is best for you.
You should always get several quotes. A quote is an estimate of your premium cost. Compare quotes before you buy a policy.
With the high rate of road accidents in California, you want to make sure your vehicles and people are appropriately covered.
Please complete the below form to request the auto quote.